Only thought on my mind is how I long to hold you
Missing you even thought I know you're near
Wishing you could be here with me for me to see you smile
You're beautiful to me don't let anyone tell you otherwise
After so long you're with me again maybe this was meant to be
Always want to see you happy, happy that you're with me
Embrace me, hold me so very dear
I want to experience your love let down your walls
How you love it when i touch your sides glowing in the candle light
Me on top of you, looking into your eyes
Wondering if one day you'll love me unconditionally
Laying in my bed...time passing by
Me going down always holding a surprise
Feeling the warmth of your body like the warmth of the flame
Caressing oh so gently this is something sensual
Do I treat you good? Do I touch you like a Queen?
This emotion I feel is so strong and divine
I never want the night to pass when our bodies entwine
Life goes on, continue it now with me
I'm going to love you one day you'll see
Give me the key to your heart, to want to be let in
I'll fight for your love just like the flame fights to stay lit
My feelings give in you make me feel so good
I take you higher, higher then your seat upon your throne
I have to be careful, still have my feelings to hone
Out of anyone and everyone you chose me
I'm here being real, I'm not here to decieve
Me and you again did you think we'd ever be?
Waiting for the day that you can say you love me----
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