On this day of rain
Just thinking about you...Thinking about the ways that I'd love to just...
Hold you here in my arms, kiss your lips and your neck
I'd love you with my all- don't take it for granted
Now at this point in time- it's more than my feelings
More than my love- more than my thoughts about you
Cause now i have you in my life
Day by day everything seems clearer before my eyes
In a crowd of people I see you above all else
You're so amazing, someone I never knew could exist
I want, I need, I pray for it to be just you and me
I was looking for someone better- took me less time than i thought
I send my love to you through my words
But my words can't truly express how i feel
I can only go so in depth with my words
It'll take more than letters that form words
More than just seeing each other...
Maybe i could explain by the way i touch you
Touch your sides, caress your thighs- to your stomach
Maybe than you can understand
Let my lips guide me to where i want to be
Uncharted lands across your body- waiting to be discovered
Can i go there? Can i make you feel things you never felt before?
Love in its purest form, just a simple hug isn't enough
All this emotion building up inside of me
Even in my dreams...there you lay
With your smile, your overwhelming aurora
Maybe one day you can say I love you
Missing every second I'm not with you
Wondering if you're thinking about me or dreaming about me
When I was good as dead you gave me life
I thank you for that, for showing me there's still something to live for
More than a feeling, more than an emotion, more than lust
More than me, it's now me and you
The depth of my words... how far do they go?
Don't you see how strong they are?
Spending hours in bed, talking bout anything and everything
Good times i have enjoyed with you
I'll be here waiting, waiting for you to come to me
You mean so much to me and my life, the things I'll do for you
Remember me always, remember my words
I want the best for you... Be With Me----
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